Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Homer: The Illiad

Introduction to Homer (8th Century BCE) and his work (Lombardo pp xvii-lviii) [Greek Epic Poetry]: Homer, The Iliad , translated by Stanley Lombardo Be sure to use the Reading Guide for Homer’s Iliad.          Book 1 “The Rage of Achilles” (pp 1-19). The movie Troy is interesting, but it won’t substitute for reading Homer’s text. Not only is Brad Pitt a wimpy Achilles, Hollywood (as usual) has changed the story. Never judge a book by its movie, especially this one. The Trojan War provides a backdrop for Homer’s epic, but the Iliad is not really about the Trojan War.
          BLOG: The Iliad begins in medias res. What does that mean? According to Homer’s own words, what is the Iliad about? What is unique about Achilles? Who is Briseis? What is her relationship to Achilles? Define kleos, timē, and kleos apthiton. Find a song that illustrates one or more of these concepts.
From Book 9 “Achilles’ “Paradox of Glory” (Lombardo pp 169-172, lines 311-445)
          BLOG: Define paradox and explain Achilles’ “Paradox of Glory?” Reference the text.
From Book 16 Patroclus prophesies Hector’s soon demise (Lombardo p 330, lines 884-894)
From Book 17 Hector strips Achilles’ divine armor off the dead body of Patroclus and takes it with him (Lombardo p 336, lines 123-129)

          BLOG: What is the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus (not the one from the movie Troy)? Patroclus went into battle wearing Achilles’ armor and dies. Who kills Patroclus? What happens to the armor? Why does this matter? Very important! Think about it. Include image of vase/jar painting showing Achilles and Patroclus (try Art Resource).


          The Iliad begins and ends in medias res. Medias Res is the middle, normally the middle of a story. Homer describes the subject of the Iliad to be rage especially Achilles' rage. The word that translates into rage is only used for deities, and Homer is giving us a clue right off the bat. Achilles is more than a normal mortal man. Achilles' mother, Thetis, is an immortal, making Achilles half immortal. Achilles was also dipped into the river of Styx, giving him immunity to being killed, all but his heel. The army granted Achilles with a prize; the prize was a woman named Briseis. Agamemnon, Helen's first brother-in-law, took Breseis from Achilles as payment for his own loss. This led to Achilles crying out to his mother, notifying her of the situation and asking for help from his mother. Achilles was furious when Agamemnon took Breseis. This also shows that she was just more than a prize to Achilles.

          There are many important concepts that resonate through the Iliad. Some of these concepts are extremely important and these are known as kleos, time, and kleos aphthiton. Kleos, or glory and fame, is the Greek root that means to call or speak out loud.  It understood as the fame that someone, or a group of people have, during the time that they are alive. Timē can be expressed through gifts or prizes, its meaning is a form of honor. There is also only a certain amount of timē. Kleos aphthiton is undying glory and fame or what people will say about you after you are dead.

The best song that I can find that puts kleos in lyrics is from 3 Doors Down - Citizen Soldier with The National Guard:

          Paradox is defined as a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd, but in reality expresses a possible truth. Achilles' "Paradox of Glory" is very detailed and presents a message that is to be taken back Troy. Achilles says he despises Agamemnon and in the text he quotes, "He cheated me, wronged me. Never again. He's had it. He can go to hell in peace, The half-wit that Zeus has made him."  This is also a paradox by how Achilles' says that he comes here to fight for glory and fame and in the text he quotes, "If I stay here and fight, I'll never return home, But my glory will be undying forever."

          The relationship between Achilles and Patroclus is very akin to the attitude with brothers.  Patroclus is a beloved comrade of Achilles and his brother-in-arms. Patroclus, because someone had to bring "Achilles" to the war, took Achilles armor and went into battle against Hector.  Hector then killed Patroclus, thinking he was Achilles and took the armor not only back to camp but wore it, possessing the glory for the act.  It is important that Hector took Achilles' armor mainly because its a disgrace to the body, as the proper death for a warrior is to be buried, allowing the soul to pass the River of Styx and enter Hades.


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