Homer, The Iliad: Achilles and Priam
[Greek Epic Poetry]: Homer, The Iliad
Book 22 “The Death of Hector” (Lombardo pp 422-439)
From Book 23 “Patroclus’ Ghost Begs for Burial” (Lombardo pp 440-447, lines 1-245)
Book 24 “Achilles and Priam” (Lombardo 467-492)
BLOG: After the death of Patroclus, Achilles changes. We might say he becomes inhuman for a while. Name at least three inhuman things he does – or human things he stops doing. What happens to him and to Priam in Book 24? Both Achilles and Priam change. How so? What does Achilles offer to do for Priam that signals his return to humanity? Include vase/jar images showing Achillles and Priam (try Art Resource).
Ovid: from Metamorphoses: The death of Achilles (Course Pack).
After the death of a loved one, especially one that is as close to us like Patroclus was for Achilles, we are given time to mourn and we change. This change could be as simple as not smiling for the period of time while you are sore or completely changing. Achilles did and didn't handle it like someone in today's society would. Achilles used the games and races to get his mind off the loss while taking no interest in food and bathing. Taking revenge is also something we, in today's society, lean towards when we lose someone lose to us. Achilles, however, takes it one step further and tortures Hector until he is convinced otherwise to give it back to Priam. This is where he is inhuman, finding pleasure is mutilating the body taking his rage at the loss in this way. In returning back to humanity, Achilles gives the body back to Priam, allowing the burial of the soldier and allowing himself to heal. The
relationship between Achilles and Priam has not changed much. They
remain enemies and the hate that they have for each other has become at least some what civil. By the end of the book, Achilles changes drastically. He
started off being prideful, selfish and impulsive to a man who shows a
sense of sympathy for others and his rage is now resolved.
Thanks. 15 points