Tuesday, February 14, 2012

William Shakespeare

Introduction to the Renaissance (Course Pack). Introduction to William Shakespeare (1564-1616)  (Folger Library Midsummer Night’s Dream pp xiii-xliv)
    BLOG: Where was Shakespeare born? Whom did he marry? What is the verse form of Shakespeare’s plays? From a business perspective, what was innovative about Shakespeare’s acting company compared to his contemporaries? Under Elizabeth I, what was his acting company’s name? What was it under James I? Include images of Shakespeare, Elizabeth I, and James I. (Try Art Resource on Waterfield Library website.)

          William Shakespeare, believed to have be born on Henley Street, Stratford-upon-Avon in England, married Anne Hathaway.  While there's confusion between two Anna's, Anne Whateley of Temple Grafton and Anne Hathaway of Stratford, there are numerous documents show that Hathaway was indeed his wife.  William Shakespeare's verse form was composed of blank verse, also referred to as the unrhymed iambic pentameter. From a business perspective, Shakespeare's acting company was very innovative; this is mainly because of the era in which everything was unfolding. Acting was the main source of entertainment during time. Under Elizabeth I, the acting company was known the Lord's Hunsdon's Men, but changed to the Lord Chamberlain's Men. After the death of Elizabeth I, the company was awarded a "royal patent" under King James I. The "royal patent" changed the name to  the King's Men. Through all of this, Shakespeare remained the main owner of the acting company even though he was ruled by the King and Queen.

                           Queen Elizabeth 1                                                     King James 1


1 comment:

  1. Kayleen, you need a little editing here. About the "business" of the company, who OWNED it? That's important. 15 points
