Friday, February 17, 2012

Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream: Acts 1-3

Shakespeare, William, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Acts 1-3 (Folger pp 3-117)
    BLOG: Write a brief description of each of the plots that are going on simultaneously in this play, including the names of the characters involved. Why does everyone end up in the forest? Include an image of the Globe Theater and of the “rude mechanicals.”


          Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, has many scenes that take place simultaneously through acts 1-3.  In the beginning, Egeus complains to Theseus about his daughters love for Lysander. Although Hermia, Egeus's daughter, loves lysander, Egeus informs Theseus that she is to be married to Demetrius. Although Hippolyta, who is engaged to Theseus, disagrees with this whole manner and sees the love that Lysander and Hermia share, Theseus remains true to the law and sides with Egeus. Theseus declares that Hermia is to be married to Demetrius or she is punishable by death. During this time, Demetrius is happy with the situation that has occurred, for he despises Helena and is in love with Hermia. After Theseus, Hippolyta, Egeus, and Demetrius leave the scene, Hermia and Lysander remain. The discussion between Lysander and Hermia is that they will both run off together in the woods, so that they may be with each other and share the love that is between them. Soon after this discussion, Helena arrives and Hermia reveals the plan to her. Skeptical by the situation, Lysander thinks that Hermia should not of revealed the plan of their departure.  Soon after, Lysander and Hermia arrive in the forest to pursue their love and passion for each other. For it was Lysander whom was skeptical of Hermia revealing the plan to Helena; Lysander's thoughts were correct. Lysander and Hermia, exhausted from their departure, lay down and fall asleep. Soon thereafter, the arrival of Helena came about, along with Egeus, Demetrius, and Theseus all within the forest.  Multiple actions take place during their time within the forest; Oberon orders Puck to shake certain flowers over the eyes of Lysander and Demetrius. The spell on both Lysander and Demetrius lead to multiple events that displayed confusion, conflict, and humor.

Globe Theater


1 comment:

  1. Kayleen, as usual, your posting looks great, but it's late this time. Since you've had the medical issue I'll give you this one - 15 points; but no more get out of jail free cards. OK? Also you posted nothing for Figaro. Go ahead and do Figaro and at least you'll have 5 points. Be sure your picture gets on your blog.
